English Informations

Welcome on our homepage!

We offer pony riding, horseback riding courses, trail rides, birthday riding and holiday riding courses.
You´ll find us in 73266 Bissingen Teck on the “Schuläcker 1”. The map you find under “Kontakt”!

The ponies are honest for children and big enough for adults. Even beginners may have a joyful ride!
It´s possible to ride English with a general-purpose saddle or western riding with a western saddle.
We sometimes offer a trail course with obstacles like a gate and a bridge.
Advanced riders will have fun with our ponies, too!

In German holidays we offer “A day in the stable” or a complete holiday-week (5 days) for children.
We start every day at 9 am and we are normally ready to leave at 4 pm.
The children learn a lot about horses and lots of other workings in connection with these annimals.
So they help mucking out the stables, preparing the food and grooming the horses.
In the afternoon we have a changing program with different riding themes.
Children under 8 years have to be accompanied by an adult person.

You may enroll at the “skies” program. They offer courses and riding-cards.
There you have the guaranty that all issues for your security are incorporated.
Some of the programs only could be booked directly at the ponyexpress – don´t hesitate to ask!

Our rules you find here (Farm-Order) and here (Information Sheet)!

The topical program is written on the page “Programm” and in our “Kalender”.
Gruppenunterricht für Kinder / Group lesson for children
Gruppenunterricht für Erwachsene / Group lesson for adults
Einzel-/Kleingruppenunterricht für Kinder und Erwachsene / Single or small group lessons for children and adults
Schnupperkurs / Introduction course
Ausritt / trailride
Kindergeburtstag / Birthday riding
Pony-Führ-Lizenz / Pony-leading-licence
Wie longiere ich mein Pferd? / Learning how to lunge a horse
Theorie / Theorie
Stangenarbeit / training over cavalettis
Bodenarbeit / in hand work
Western Basics
Western Advanced
Einhändig reiten / riding with one hand
Reiten mit Handpferd / riding with a off-horse/seccond horse
Horse and Dog Trail
Ride and Bike
Reiterspiele / Mounted Games
Gymnastik am Pferd / gymnastic on the horse
Voltigierspiele / vaulting games
Wir begleiten unser Pferd duch den Tag / Day in the stable
Pferdewaschtag und Lederpflege / Horse-Wash and leather care
Ponyfreizeit / Holiday week

If you are interested in a ride or in any other offers, just call us (0174/4292404) or contact us on the “Kontakt-Form” of this homepage.